We are nature-respecting professionals who dedicated themselves to nature and the sea.
Who are we?
We are nature-respecting professionals who dedicated themselves to nature and the sea.
Mekin GÖZEN (Chairman of the Board of Directors of Gözen Aviation)
Turgut KONUKOĞLU (Sanko Holding)
Necmettin YAY (CEO of Seafari Fishery)
Atty Erim BENER (Bener Law Firm)
Atty Can ÖZER (Özer Law Firm)
Architect Sinan KURAN (KRN Architecture)
Sinan KOSİF (Executive Board Member of Kosifler Group)
Dr. Serdar GÜNSEREN (IGFA Turkey)
Our Mission;
To organize the Sport Fishing Contest Finals or Grand Slams which are beyond and above the Sport Fishing Contests in Mediterranean Basin and our Country, that will make a tremendous impact on both national and international media which fulfills the adventure and excitement like desires of the participants who have dedicated or will dedicate themselves to this sport…
To make our senior participants who have dedicated or will dedicate themselves to this sport meet with our current sponsors and our sponsors-to-be in a new, exciting, and entertaining atmosphere.
To promote sport fishing tourism, which is a candidate to be an important sea tourism option, by organizing sport fishing activities in our country;
To protect the future of the tourism industry with sustainable fishing and sustainable environment by raising natural and environmental awareness with not only the participants but also national and international social media.
To ensure that the individuals are not only concerned with their own generation but also with the future generations by raising social awareness.
Why Sport Fishing?
Studies carried out in Europe, the United States of America, Canada, and Australia show that amateur fishing is performed by millions of people in these countries and that it creates a large economy.
Sportive Fishing is also drawing interest in Turkey and it is known to be creating a large economic potential in our country that hosts rich and various ecosystems in coastal areas and sea spaces besides inland waters and economical activities.
Recreational fishing is a tourism activity that has been performed for many years and becoming widespread as it is being enjoyed.
Sportive fishing creates economic activity in the sectors either directly or indirectly in the region where it is performed (SFITUM, 2004). In 19 European countries, there are 44.8 million amateur fishers in total with a rate of 9.5%. Amateur fishing is not only a pastime activity that increases pressure on the resources in European countries having Mediterranean coasts, but also an economic activity on which annually 25 billion Euros are spent by 25 million amateur fishers in Europe.
Similarly, amateur fishing performed in freshwaters and salt waters in the USA is a very important trading and employment source. It has a consolidated contribution of approximately 220 billion dollars to the economy with nearly 65 million registered amateur fishers across the USA, 18 billion dollars of income, 52.4 billion dollars of sale, 30 billion dollars of added value, 72 billion dollars of travel expense, and an employment amount of 370,000. (NOAA, 2013).
In this line, Recreational and Sport Fishing plays a very important role in the diversification of tourism in Turkey and the sustainable future development of the coastal areas in particular.
Big Game and Offshore segments that include fishing Billfish and Tuna types are considered as the “Formula 1” of Sport Fishing.
The information above also gives an idea of how much this sector will draw attention and can grow in our country.
Sport Fishing in our country is in major progress both concerning participation and the sector. Particularly, the business people who are boat owners with high-level income perform sport fishing with their adventurous nature and with yearn for change and participate in the contests organized in our country. Participating in such contests and winning degrees are now a matter of prestige.
What is IGFA?
IGFA, founded in 1939 and based in the United States of America, is a non-profit organization being supported by its members.
IGFA is celebrating the 75th anniversary of its foundation this year and it has 321 elected representatives and 22,000 members in the world. IGFA is represented by Elvio PENNETTI and Dr. Serdar GÜNSEREN in Turkey.
IGFA, which keeps the records regarding Sport Fishing and determines and approves the rules of Sport Fishing as a pioneer and leading institution, is the largest and most important international association working to protect the aquatic living environments all around the world. IGFA carries out these activities all around the world through its representatives, biologists, and various institutions.
Promoting the fish and the aquatic ecosystems effectively for Recreational and Sport Fishing to be sustained joyfully, IGFA continues its works with a great determination within the frame of the pieces of training it established in the light of science, with the rules it set, and with the ethical and responsible fishing principles.
As a result of 75 years of studies, IGFA has become the global authority in recreational fishing. IGFA has formed the bridge between recreational fishing and science.
While the water sources were considered limitless 75 years ago, many fish species and aquatic ecosystems are now encountering the threat of becoming extinct. Regarding this situation encountered by a sportive and recreational fishing, IGFA has undertaken a leading role also in the field of sustainable fishing and it performs studies regarding protecting the history of hand-line fishing and taking it under record.
IGFA believes that the most important thing to do to protect recreational fishing and sustainability is to train the youth on fish biology and aquatic ecosystems. For this purpose, IGFA has developed training programs on applied fishing and Marine Sciences regarding the importance of environmental management and ethical hand-line fishing.
In 2013, 48,919 children were reached through the training program of IGFA. Since 1998, approximately 450,000 children were provided with training regarding the human impact on the environment and about the importance of protecting the environment.
These pieces of training are embodied with ethical hand-line fishing and they provide positively proactive behavior change to the adverse conditions awaiting us in the future.