
5th MOST Bodrum Tournament is Beginning.
Sports fishing enthusiasts will meet at the Yalıkavak marina with MOST Bodrum Tournament, which will be held at Yalıkavak Marina on 12-15 August 2021 thanks to the great contributions of The competition, which witnessed great struggles in the past years, awaits its participants this year.

4th iteration of the Most Bodrum Tournament was organized by hosting of Yalıkavak Marina. 22 big fishing boats contested head to head in the tournament that was on 22-25 August.
Head-referee being Serdar Günseren, The tournament was hosted by Yalıkavak Marina. In the two day long tournament names such as Turgut Konukoğlu and his crew, Adil Konukoğlu and his crew and Erkut Soyak, Sinan Kosif, Murat Aslan, Sinan Kuran, Can Okan, Alp Kırşan ve Kazım Ak from the business world competed to break the fish record.
The biggest fish in the competition was caught by the crew of boat Kozlu with 81.6 Kg.
First of the tournament became boat Barracuda Erkut Soyak and Murat Aslan’s crew with 69.4 Kg.
Sinan Kuran and his crew with boat Shamu and 57.6 Kg took second place.
Efe Kuyumcu and his crew took third place in the tournament with boat Dromeas and 45.8 Kg.
Nazmi Doğru and his crew got the special prize with the boat Rose Sea.
Standing out as the most important event in sportfishing, action-packed and quite popular in the world, in Turkey, Most Bodrum Sportfishing Tournament signed under another unforgettable competition.
Famous names attending to the award ceremony such as Cefi Kamhi, Sinan-Melda Kosif, Füsun Kuran, Ayşe San, Süleyman Kosif, Asuman-Tahsin Tokgöz, Tuğba Develi, Sandra- Nino Erer, Nihal Doğan, Burak Hatipoğlu, Nastasia Jacober, Meral İkizler and Eren-Çisem came to see the fish that was caught this year.

The most passionate, most environmentally friendly, most exciting, and one of the newest trends of the sea the sportfishing is transforming into a unique experience with the MOST Bodrum Tournament in Yalıkavak Marina on 22-25 August!
Sportfishing, getting popular day by day among the most popular hobbies in the world in recent years, has important followers in our country… In our country covered with the sea on three sides and having extremely suitable geography for this hobby, In addition to leading names in the business world, numerous nature and sea enthusiasts participate in international sportfishing tournaments organized in Turkey with great joy and excitement.,
Starting with sportfishing’s important contributions to tourism, economy, and the environment, aiming to raise awareness in these topics, MOST is having the excitement and the pride of letting Turkey enjoy the fun of “Sportfishing” in Turkey with the 3rd tournament they will organize this year.
Mekin GÖZEN (Chairman of the Board of Directors of Gözen Aviation), Turgut KONUKOĞLU (Sanko Holding), Necmettin YAY (CEO of Seafari Fishery), Atty Erim BENER (Bener Law Firm), Atty Can ÖZER (Özer Law Firm), Architect Sinan KURAN (KRN Architecture), Sinan KOSİF (Executive Board Member of Kosifler Group), Dr. Serdar GÜNSEREN (IGFA Turkey); Comprising of the names expert in their fields and professionals, MOST board of directors and professionals of the business world are coming together at the MOST Tournament.
MOST Bodrum, where the “Turkey Tournaments Record” has been broken with the 116 Kg Tuna caught in 2017, will be a stage for an exciting competition with a festival-like atmosphere by hosting of Yalıkavak Marina in 2019.
50 sportfishing boat and 450 competitors can compete in the MOST Bodrum Tournament (Mediterranean Offshore Sportfishing Tournament – Akdeniz Açık Deniz Sportif Balıkçılık Turnuvası), being organized according to the rules of IGFA(International Game Fish Association) which is based in the USA and just celebrated its 78th anniversary.
Represented by Dr. Serdar Günseren and Elvio Penetti in Turkey, IGFA’s responsibility is to keep the history of the records of sportfishing, set the rules in this field, to approve, protect the sea and the freshwater habitats in the world.
In the 4 days long tournament, the boats suitable to participate will fish swordfish and tuna in addition to other fish species that are well populated in the area and will get points according to the size and weight of the fish they will catch. Releasing the fish to the sea in a good health will carry the contestants to the grand prize with the high points they give to them. Being organized in the Offshore Big Game category, MOST Bodrum is giving the signals of being the Formula 1 of the sportfishing in Turkey with all these qualities and important guests participating from abroad!
Important Missions and The Awareness Coming From The Sea
MOST Bodrum’s most fundamental goal is to popularize sportfishing in Turkey, to be an important sea tourism ambassador in the World, to develop and popularize nature and environment consciousness, to raise awareness in sustainable environment understanding, to improve sea tourism, touching the people from all over the world by introducing Turkey in different fields…
By bringing together everyone local or foreign who dedicated themselves to sportfishing, MOST is signing under a worldwide organization which will be awaited every year with excitement!
A whole new potential for Turkish sea tourism…
Places the sportfishing is most common can be listed as Europe, the USA, Canada, and Australia. This activity is, beyond its sport and social side, providing substantial economic contributions to these areas. 25 million amateur angler spending 25 billion Euros in Europe and providing serious employment in the USA, sportfishing has a consolidated contribution of approximately 220 billion dollars to the economy with nearly 65 million registered amateur fishers across the USA, 18 billion dollars of income, 52.4 billion dollars of sale, 30 billion dollars of added value, 72 billion dollars of travel expense, and an employment amount of 370,000. (NOAA, 2013).
Being rather suitable for sportfishing regarding its inland waters, shores, and marine areas, Turkey has great potential in this field. The ones who are interested in sportfishing, the ones who want to level up their hobby by joining a tournament, and the ones who can not wait to watch the organization that will have a great impact on the sportfishing world in its own place can visit website to get all of the details and do online registration to become a contestant. Where you can get the big trophy and the big money prize with the big fish, the sportfishing’s “Formula 1” MOST Bodrum Tournament will be waiting for the ones who want to see exciting moments and breath-taking experiences on 22-25th August in Aegean’s one of a kind deep blue!
Phone: 0252 316 21 45 - 0252 316 61 78 - 0506 213 01 46
Yalıkavak Marina; Merkez, Çökertme Cad. No:6, PK. 48990
Bodrum / MUĞLA
The 3rd MOST Bodrum Sportfishing Tournament was organized this year with the hosting of Yalıkavak Marina on 9-12th August. 35 big fishing boats participated in the tournament.
Famous names participating as contestants in the MOST Bodrum such as Turgut Konukoğlu, Adil Konukoğlu, Sinan Kosif, Can Okan, Sinan Kuran, Anıl İlter, Berent Akdemir, Sedat Akdemir, Çağdaş Çağlar, Kazım Ak, Mehmet Fırat have competed.
The head-referee being IGFA representative Dr. Serdar Günseren, Lawyer Can Özer hosted the tournament.
While famous business people competing for head to head in the two-day-long tournament, the largest being 118 Kg, 8 fish coming total of 493 Kg were caught.
The largest fish of the competition was caught by Boat Barbarossa Bülent Delican and his crew. The crew got the Biggest Catch award by catching the largest fish.
Boat Albatros belonging to Adil Konukoğlu came in first in the tournament with the 63 Kg and 83 Kg fish Murat İyriboz and his crew caught,
Sinan Kuran and his crew competing with Boat Shamu came in second with the two fish of 92 Kg and 10 Kg.
Boat Cano 1 Hasan Gümüşkesen and his crew competed with came in third with a 93 Kg fish after a long fight.
Standing out as the most important event in sportfishing, action-packed and quite popular in the world, in Turkey, Most Bodrum Sportfishing Tournament, the main sponsor being the Yalıkavak Marina, was organized with the support of Ortaklar Otomotiv, Volvo, Arvento, Gözen Air Services, Freebird, Damat, Promar, Seafari, Jigging Turkey Kılıç ve Namet
After the award ceremony, the boats getting a degree in the event got rid of the exhaustion of the competition with concerts of Kaan Öztürk and Onur Mete.

Winner of the first day of the 3rd MOST Bodrum Tournament, organized in Yalıkavak Marina offshore waters and Güllük Gulf, are SHAMU teknesi ile SİNAN KURAN, SÜLEYMAN ORAKÇIOĞLU, KAAN KURAN, OSMAN BULUTLAR, BORA ÖZER, ALPTUĞ ÖNAL with the 92 Kg Tuna they caught after a long lasting fight.
The first fish news of the day came with the Pink Dentex caught by NAZMİ DOĞRU with boat MACHO.
ALBATROS boat MURAT İYRİBOZ, MUHSIN PARLAK, ERKAN SARI became the 2nd of the day with a 61 Kg.
The tournament will be a stage for the grand fight to decide the winner of the MOST on 12th August.
By setting off from the important contributions of sportfishing to tourism, economy, and the environment and aiming to raise awareness in these topics, MOST Bodrum continues to make a great impression with the “Formula 1” of the sportfishing “MOST Bodrum Tournament”, organized for the second time in the scope of IGFA(International Game Fish Association) rules.

Do not forget to contact us to rent a boat or to join a crew for the MOST Big Fish Tournament that will be organized on 9-12th August 2018.
We are waiting for you to let you go fishing with your friends or let your children have an unforgettable experience outside of the tournament dates in Bodrum Peninsula.
For detailed information and reservation: Nurper Güler - 0506 213 01 46
The most passionate, most environmentally friendly, most exciting, and one of the newest trends of the sea the sportfishing is transforming into a unique experience with the 2nd MOST Bodrum Tournament on 9-12 August 2018!
Sportfishing, getting popular day by day among the most popular hobbies in the world in recent years, has important followers in our country… In our country covered with the sea on three sides and having extremely suitable geography for this hobby, In addition to leading names in the business world, numerous nature and sea enthusiasts participate in international sportfishing tournaments organized in Turkey with great joy and excitement.
Starting with sportfishing’s important contributions to tourism, economy, and the environment, aiming to raise awareness in these topics, MOST is having the excitement and the pride of letting Turkey enjoy the fun of “Sportfishing” in Turkey with the 3rd tournament they will organize this year.
Mekin GÖZEN (Chairman of the Board of Directors of Gözen Aviation), Turgut KONUKOĞLU (Sanko Holding), Necmettin YAY (CEO of Seafari Fishery), Atty Erim BENER (Bener Law Firm), Atty Can ÖZER (Özer Law Firm), Architect Sinan KURAN (KRN Architecture), Sinan KOSİF (Executive Board Member of Kosifler Group), Dr. Serdar GÜNSEREN (IGFA Turkey); Comprising of the names expert in their fields and professionals, MOST board of directors and professionals of the business world are coming together at the MOST Tournament.
MOST Bodrum, where the “Turkey Tournaments Record” has been broken with the 116 Kg Tuna caught in 2017, will be a stage for an exciting competition with a festival-like atmosphere by hosting of Yalıkavak Marina in 2018.
50 sportfishing boat and 450 competitors can compete in the MOST Bodrum Tournament (Mediterranean Offshore Sportfishing Tournament – Akdeniz Açık Deniz Sportif Balıkçılık Turnuvası), being organized according to the rules of IGFA(International Game Fish Association) which is based in the USA and just celebrated its 77th anniversary.
Represented by Dr. Serdar Günseren and Elvio Penetti in Turkey, IGFA’s responsibility is to keep the history of the records of sportfishing, set the rules in this field, to approve, protect the sea and the freshwater habitats in the world.
In the 4 days long tournament, the boats suitable to participate will fish swordfish and tuna in addition to other fish species that are well populated in the area and will get points according to the size and weight of the fish they will catch. Releasing the fish to the sea in a good health will carry the contestants to the grand prize with the high points they give to them. Being organized in the Offshore Big Game category, MOST Bodrum is giving the signals of being the Formula 1 of the sportfishing in Turkey with all these qualities and important guests participating from abroad!
Important Missions and The Awareness Coming From The Sea
MOST Bodrum’s most fundamental goal is to popularize sportfishing in Turkey, to be an important sea tourism ambassador in the World, to develop and popularize nature and environment consciousness, to raise awareness in sustainable environment understanding, to improve sea tourism, touching the people from all over the world by introducing Turkey in different fields…
By bringing together everyone local or foreign who dedicated themselves to sportfishing, MOST is signing under a worldwide organization which will be awaited every year with excitement!
A whole new potential for Turkish sea tourism…
Places the sportfishing is most common can be listed as Europe, the USA, Canada, and Australia. This activity is, beyond its sport and social side, providing substantial economic contributions to these areas. 25 million amateur angler spending 25 billion Euros in Europe and providing serious employment in the USA, sportfishing has a consolidated contribution of approximately 220 billion dollars to the economy with nearly 65 million registered amateur fishers across the USA, 18 billion dollars of income, 52.4 billion dollars of sale, 30 billion dollars of added value, 72 billion dollars of travel expense, and an employment amount of 370,000. (NOAA, 2013).
Being rather suitable for sportfishing regarding its inland waters, shores, and marine areas, Turkey has great potential in this field. The ones who are interested in sportfishing, the ones who want to level up their hobby by joining a tournament, and the ones who can not wait to watch the organization that will have a great impact on the sportfishing world in its own place can visit website to get all of the details and do online registration to become a contestant. Where you can get the big trophy and the big money prize with the big fish, the sportfishing’s “Formula 1” MOST Bodrum Tournament will be waiting for the ones who want to see exciting moments and breath-taking experiences on 9-12th August in Aegean’s one of a kind deep blue!
Phone: 0252 316 21 45 - 0252 316 61 78 - 0506 213 01 46
Yalıkavak Marina; Merkez, Çökertme Cad. No:6, PK. 48990
Bodrum / MUĞLA
Famous names participating as contestants in the MOST Bodrum, Organized in off shores of Palmarina Bodrum and Güllük Gulf , such as Turgut Konukoğlu, Adil Konukoğlu, Sami Konukoğlu, Cefi Kamhi, Uğur Işık, Sinan Kosif, Can Dikmen, Alp Kırşan, Can Okan, Berent Akdemir, Cihan Kosif, Sedat Akdemir, İskender Atakan, Çağdaş Çağlar, Yağmur Atacan, Mehmet Fırat have competed.
MOST (Mediterranean Offshore Sportfishing Tournament) Bodrum Tournament has transformed into a unique experience for the 2nd time on 24-27 August 2017 in Palmarina Bodrum!
303 Kg of fish has been caught in 2 days.
The first day of the tournament started with the 40 Kg tuna caught by Omnia boat Can Okan and his crew. The boats have shown a great fight for the biggest fish in the tournament area on the second day.
After the cutthroat tournament, Alp Kırşan and his crew with the boat Amarillo have finished on 3rd spot, Adil Konukoğlu and his crew with the boat Albatros have finished on 2nd spot, and Can Okan and his crew with the boat Omnia have finished on the 1st spot.
Turkey Tournament Record Has Been Broken!
On the second day of the tournament after a great fight, Bluefin boat Turgut Konukoğlu and his crew have broken the Turkey Tournament Record in the tournaments that have been organized in Turkey to the date with the 116 Kg Tuna they caught.
The boats got rid of the fatigue of the competition that was organized in Palmarina Bodrum by having fun with the Samsha Band.
The head-referee being IGFA representative Dr. Serdar Günseren, Can Özer hosted the tournament.
Standing out as the most important event in sportfishing, action-packed and quite popular in the world, in Turkey, and organized with the support of significant supporters such as Most Bodrum Palmarina Bodrum, Bell&Ross, Arvento, Pernigotti, Zumosol, Joy Fm.

Names participating as contestants in the MOST Bodrum, Organized in off shores of Palmarina Bodrum and Güllük Gulf , such as Turgut Konukoğlu, Adil Konukoğlu, Sami Konukoğlu, Cefi Kamhi, Uğur Işık, Sinan Kosif, Can Dikmen, Alp Kırşan, Can Okan, Berent Akdemir, Cihan Kosif, Sedat Akdemir, İskender Atakan, Çağdaş Çağlar, Yağmur Atacan, Mehmet Fırat are competing.
The winner of the first day, with the 39 Kg 800 Gr Tuna they caught after a half-hour fight, are OMNIA boat CAN OKAN, GÖKÇE BAYSAK, MEHMET KAVUR, HASAN CAN BALAY, TAYFUN EGE.
By setting off from the important contributions of sportfishing to tourism, economy, and the environment and aiming to raise awareness in these topics, MOST Bodrum continues to make an impactful impression with the “Formula 1” of the sportfishing “MOST Bodrum Tournament”, organized for the second time in the scope of IGFA(International Game Fish Association) rules.

The Countdown Has Started For 2nd MOST BODRUM 2017…
Sportfishing, getting popular day by day among the most popular hobbies in the world in recent years, has important followers in our country… In our country covered with the sea on three sides and having extremely suitable geography for this hobby, In addition to leading names in the business world, numerous nature and sea enthusiasts participate in international sportfishing tournaments organized in Turkey with great joy and excitement.
Starting with sportfishing’s important contributions to tourism, economy, and the environment, aiming to raise awareness in these topics, MOST is getting ready to bringing the “Formula 1” of the sportfishing in Turkey into action with their 2nd tournament this year.Mekin GÖZEN (Chairman of the Board of Directors of Gözen Aviation), Turgut KONUKOĞLU (Sanko Holding),Necmettin YAY (CEO of Seafari Fishery), Atty Erim BENER (Bener Law Firm), Atty Can ÖZER (Özer Law Firm), Architect Sinan KURAN (KRN Architecture), Sinan KOSİF (Executive Board Member of Kosifler Group), Dr. Serdar GÜNSEREN (IGFA Turkey) Comprising of the names expert in their fields and professionals, MOST board of directors are organizing their second tournament on 24-28th August in Palmarina Bodrum.
With Festival Vibes, Exciting, Formula 1 of the Sportfishing Most Bodrum Tournament is starting in August!
Being organized according to the rules of IGFA which is based in the USA and just celebrated its 75th anniversary, the MOST Bodrum Tournament (Mediterranean Offshore Sportfishing Tournament – Akdeniz Açık Deniz Sportif Balıkçılık Turnuvası) can host 50 sportfishing boat and 300 competitors that will be invited.
Represented by Dr. Serdar Günseren and Elvio Penetti in Turkey, IGFA’s responsibility is to keep the history of the records of sportfishing, set the rules in this field, to approve, protect the sea and the freshwater habitats in the world.
In the 4 days long tournament, the boats suitable to participate will fish swordfish and tuna in addition to other fish species that are well populated in the area and will get points according to the size and weight of the fish they will catch. Releasing the fish to the sea in a good health will carry the contestants to the grand prize with the high points they give to them. Being organized in the Offshore Big Game category, MOST Bodrum is giving the signals of being the Formula 1 of the sportfishing in Turkey with all these qualities and important guests participating from abroad!
Important Missions and The Awareness Coming From The Sea
MOST Bodrum’s most fundamental goal is to popularize sportfishing in Turkey, to be an important sea tourism ambassador in the World, to develop and popularize nature and environment consciousness, to raise awareness in sustainable environment understanding, to improve sea tourism, touching the people from all over the world by introducing Turkey in different fields…
By bringing together everyone local or foreign who dedicated themselves to sportfishing, MOST is signing under a worldwide organization which will be awaited every year with excitement!
A whole new potential for Turkish sea tourism…
Places the sportfishing is most common can be listed as Europe, the USA, Canada, and Australia. This activity is, beyond its sport and social side, providing substantial economic contributions to these areas. 25 million amateur angler spending 25 billion Euros in Europe and providing serious employment in the USA, sportfishing has a consolidated contribution of approximately 220 billion dollars to the economy with nearly 65 million registered amateur fishers across the USA, 18 billion dollars of income, 52.4 billion dollars of sale, 30 billion dollars of added value, 72 billion dollars of travel expense, and an employment amount of 370,000. (NOAA, 2013).
Being rather suitable for sportfishing regarding its inland waters, shores, and marine areas, Turkey has great potential in this field. The ones who are interested in sportfishing, the ones who want to level up their hobby by joining a tournament, and the ones who can not wait to watch the organization that will have a great impact on the sportfishing world in its own place can visit website to get all of the details and do online registration to become a contestant. Where you can get the big trophy and the big money prize with the big fish, the sportfishing’s “Formula 1” MOST Bodrum Tournament will be waiting for the ones who want to see exciting moments and breath-taking experiences on 24-27th August in Aegean’s one of a kind deep blue!
Phone: 0252 316 21 45 - 0506 213 01 46 - 0252 316 61 78
Palmarina Bodrum; Merkez, Çökertme Cad. No:6, PK. 48990
Bodrum / MUĞLA

Progressing towards being the leader of the sea and the sportfishing, the Most Bodrum Tournament is completed.
Names participating as contestants and with the performance they have shown, Rıza Kutlu Işık, Gökhan Çarmıklı, Burhan Çavuşoğlu, Levent Kıroğlu, Alp Kırşan, Engin Altan Düzyatan, Metin Uzelli, Çağdaş Çağlar, Mekin Gözen, Mehmet Eskihancılar, Hasan Gümüşkesen, Rıfat Perahya, İsmail Öksüzoğlu, Sertaç Saygan, Mehmet Mutlu, Umut Özkanca, Faber Mermer, Ahmet Turan, Yasin Cinkaya, Ahmet Adalı, Sertan Bayar have become the winners of this important organization, the MOST Bodrum Tournament organized in Palmarina Bodrum offshore waters and in Güllük Gulf.
By setting off from the important contributions of sportfishing to tourism, economy, and the environment and aiming to raise awareness in these topics, MOST Bodrum made a great impression with the “Formula 1” of the sportfishing “MOST Bodrum Tournament”, organized for the first time in the scope of IGFA(International Game Fish Association) rules.
IGFA representative Dr. Serdar Günseren being the head-referee, there were names having breath-taking experiences and living exciting moments such as Rıza Kutlu Işık, Gökhan Çarmıklı, Burhan Çavuşoğlu, Levent Kıroğlu, Alp Kırşan, Engin Altan Düzyatan, Metin Uzelli, Çağdaş Çağlar, Mekin Gözen, Necmettin Yay, Erim Bener, Mehmet Eskihancılar, Hakan Külahçı, Yıldırım Özdemir, İskender Atakan, Mert Aras in the tournament as contestants in Aegean’s unique deep blue.
The ones who attended to “MOST Bodrum Tournament” Presented By Dj Funky ‘C’, as both contestants and audience, by having quite colorful, exciting, and adrenaline-packed moments, celebrated the joy of being a part of a unique experience with the Samsha Band’s one of a kind performance all night long.
Standing out as the most important event in sportfishing, action-packed and quite popular in the world, in Turkey, and organized with the significant supporters such as Yamaha, Volvo, Palmarina Bodrum, Power Fm, Eastmarine, and Bodrum Municipality, in “MOST Bodrum Turnuvası” Hasan Gümüşkesen, Sinan Kosif, Rıfat, Perahya, İsmail Öksüzoğlu, Sertaç Saygan, Mehmet Mutlu, Umut Özkanca took the Osman Kandemir Special Prize with gentlemanship they have shown, the support they have given to the participants and their performance during the tournament with their CANO1 (Mercan Yat Bonito 32) boat.
With the 4 big fish, they have caught and released the sea, Faber Mermer, Ahmet Turan, Yasin Cinkaya, Ahmet Adalı, Sertan Bayar took the sportfishing’s one of the most important category awards Catch & Release Award, participating in the tournament with their ZETU (Nortstar 220 CC) boat.
In the name of one of the tournament sponsors TAV Holding, Sermet Severöz presented the sportfishing’s one of the most important category awards Catch & Release Award to the winner ZETU (Nortstar 220 CC) boat.
With great interest from the audience, being decided on the last day of the tournament by the grading of the jury on both their performance and their compliance to the tournament rules, all of the winners of the “MOST Bodrum Tournament”, have crowned their triumphs with an unforgettable award ceremony.

Why Mediterranean International Fishing Tournament?
The people who dedicate themselves to nature and the sea get involved in this kind of excitement of the contest with a desire for change and adventure.
Nature and adventure-loving people from every part of the society join the sportfishing tournaments, most of the competitors are upper-level business people and they mostly know each other. This competitor community is growing day by day and the quota of the competition is filling up quickly.
Bodrum is Turkey’s most attractive place as destination. Gökova and Güllük Gulf are the pearls of the Aegean.
We are organizing an event that will have an impactful impression on both national and international media, meeting the wishes and desires of the participants. We can call it the final match or the Grand Slam of the Sportfishing competitions.
Target Audience?
Nature and adventure-loving people from every part of the society and Turkey’s leading business people or private company managers meet at this event.
Our goal is to bring together the upper-level sport fishers and business people who dedicate or will dedicate themselves to this sport and make them live an adventure and a final which they will wait with longing every year.

Where is it?
To the Mediterranean International Sportfishing Tournament, being planned to be organized on 15-18th September 2016, in addition to 50 sportfishing boats and 300 participants, with participants family and friends, sectoral attendance, press and spectators, at least a crowd of 1000 people is expected to attend.
As Turkey Sportfishing Club, our main goal is not only to organize an exciting and entertaining event which will have an impactful impression both national and internationally by bringing together the ones who dedicate themselves to the sportfishing and leading business people as well as sector partners, but also raise awareness in sustainable tourism and sustainable fishing.
The four-day event will host an exciting fishing contest experience as well as many activities with a festival atmosphere.
Palmarina Bodrum
With its mega-yacht docking capacity, world-famous brands, and food & beverage areas, Palmarina Bodrum is the biggest supporter of the Tournament in this heavenly cove with its high standards, open and peaceful green spaces, and architecture based on its unique climate.
Palmarina is one of the rare blue flag owner marinas, where you can swim after a day-long exciting contest in Güllük Gulf. With the well-preserved underwater life, a blue world where you can play with the fish…